logo_Jiangsu Zhengdan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

Stock code : 300641

Hot products:Vinyltoluene (VT) , High-flash aromatic naphthas (SA) , Trimellitic anhydride (TMA)-White or yellowish Flake ,
Investor Interaction
Investor Hotline:
Add: 15th Floor, Block A, Guokong Building, No. 61 Nanshan Road, Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province
Tel: +86-511-88059006
Fax: +86-511-88059003
E-mail: [email protected]
Shareholder Forum:
If the webpage cannot be opened, please copy the following URL and use your browser to visit: http://irm.cninfo.com.cn/ircs/company/companyDetail?stockcode=300641&orgId=9900031823
